Sunday, February 14, 2016

How-to make a heart garland for your dollhouse

You will need felt, glue, string, scissors, needle nose pliers and silver pipe cleaner

Cut out small hearts from different colors of felt

Starting at the center, begin to shape pipe cleaner around the curve of the heart

Bend pipe cleaner at the bottom of the heart and continue shaping around the curve of the other side

When you reach the center, bend the pipe cleaner so the remaining part will be above the heart

Set aside felt heart, bend the beginning piece of the pipe cleaner over then under the longer piece

Using needle nose pliers, pinch in place

Cut the remaining pipe cleaner leaving a 1/2 inch piece on top

Repeat steps for each heart

Use a small amount of the Alieen's tacky glue around the heart

Place pipe cleaner on top of felt and press down lightly 

Repeat steps for each heart then let glue dry completely

After glue dries, lay the hearts face down and cut a piece of string

Knot one end

Wrap the 1/2 inch piece of pipe cleaner around the string and pinch in place

Repeat steps for all hearts then knot the other end of the string

Turn over to right side and you are done!

Add the decorative heart garland to your dollhouse :-) Happy Valentine's Day!

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