Monday, June 13, 2016

How-to make a comforter for your dollhouse

Easy hand sewn doll-size comforter.

Supplies- Fabric, thread, batting and embroidery floss

Cut two pieces of fabric using your doll bed as a guide for the size.

Turn right sides together. Sew around 3 1/2 sides leaving an opening to turn comforter inside out and add the batting. Clip corners.

Cut a piece a batting and make sure it does not go over the stitch line.

Turn right sides out, then stuff batting in opening and adjust if necessary.

Sew opening closed.

Thread a piece of embroidery floss.

Poke needle through fabric as shown.

Double knot.

Cut excess thread.

Repeat until you have a series of horizontal and vertical rows. This keeps the batting in place.

Make your doll bed 😀

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